Mexican Kids Songs and Rhymes: A Mama Lisa Book
Region: Latin America, Mexico
Author: Lisa Yannucci
Original Language: Spanish
Translators: Monique Palomares; Lisa Yannucci
Illustrator: Various (as listed in Thanks & Acknowledgements section)
Series: Mama Lisa’s World
Genre: Poetry, Songs, and Rhymes
Descriptors: lullabies; games; melodies
Age: 0-12 years old
In this book, readers will find 82 songs and rhymes, in Spanish with English translations. Compiled by Mama Lisa (i.e., writer Lisa Yannucci) and countless other contributors to share in the tradition, culture, and history of children’s songs, rhymes, lullabies, and games popular in Mexico, the book has much to offer to readers of all ages—from children to adults. Such songs as “A la zapatilla por detrás” (‘The Slipper Behind You’ Game)” feature not only the original song and the English translation but also detailed instructions on how to play the game that goes with the song. Other songs may correspond to events, such as “Cantos para romper la piñata” (“Songs for Breaking the Piñata”); sound like lullabies, such as “Estrellita” (“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”); be delivered as brief rhymes intended for learning, such as “El burro” (“The Donkey”), for counting-out vowels. This compilation also features traditional folk songs, such as “Xochipitzahuatl” (“Tiny Flower”), as sung in Nahua communities on wedding days, and “Xtoles” (“Song to the Sun”), a Mayan Warrior Dance song to the Sun God, with a melody that is said to be one of the oldest in existence. Lisa Yannucci, aka Mama Lisa, created a site featuring children’s nursery rhymes and songs from around the globe to gain an international sense of tradition and culture, which inspired a line of books with similar content. Her site also has song- and rhyme-specific videos, recitations, and other features, also find linked in the “notes” sections of each song and rhyme featured in the book. Translations by Lisa Yannucci and Monique Palomares are fluid, seamless, and detailed for each entry. Simple, colorful illustrations are credited to Grace Gralike, Lisa Yannucci, and other family and friends of Lisa.
More About This Book
Reviewed: eBook (2012) by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (Lisa Yannucci).
ISBN: 9781475133936 (paperback). 200 pages.
Notes: https://www.mamalisa.com/
Reviewed by: Tiffany Bowers